Select Engagements

  • State of California: Master Plan for Developmental Services

    Carley supported the efforts of the California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) and Department of Developmental Services (DDS) throughout the process of developing and releasing the Master Plan for Developmental Services. She provided support with strategic vision and project management for the process. She contributed to community and stakeholder engagement efforts, including facilitation of recommendation development discussions with committee members. She compiled comprehensive research to support the committee in developing recommendations. Carley also provided extensive support with the compilation and drafting of the ultimate Master Plan document.

  • State of California: BH-CONNECT Demonstration

    Carley supported the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)’ in design of the California Behavioral Health Community-Based Organized Networks of Equitable Care and Treatment (BH-CONNECT) initiative. She contributed to design of various initiative components, including incentive programs and guidance on the provision of evidence-based practices for children and families. She also supported the process of negotiations with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for approval of the Section 1115 demonstration. Carley added particular value through analysis to ensure that the needs of the youngest children served by the system were reflected throughout the initiative design.

  • State of California: Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) and School-Based Medicaid Services

    Carley supported DHCS in design and implementation of the CYBHI. She assisted with the development of a comprehensive, multi-payer fee schedule encompassing behavioral health students for children and youth. In addition to work with DHCS on CYBHI, she provided support of efforts to bolster school-based Medicaid services in the state. She produced rigorous analyses of service types and parameters in the school-based setting. This work was rooted in recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics' periodicity schedule and consideration of ongoing equity issues within the state.

  • State of California: Mobile Crisis

    Carley supported design of DHCS’ mobile crisis benefit. She conducted outreach to stakeholders in diverse communities around the state and experts implementing best practices in mobile crisis services in other states. Carley added specific value in analysis of how people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) could optimally benefit from county mobile crisis services. Carley also supported with the development of the state’s State Plan Amendment encompassing the mobile crisis benefit.

  • State of California: CalAIM Enhanced Care Management

    Carley worked on DHCS’ Enhanced Care Management (ECM) benefit, a component of CalAIM. She contributed to the drafting of policy guidance to inform the roll-out and implementation of the program. She also supported technical assistance and all-comer webinars to accompany the roll-out of the benefit. Carley also contributed to efforts to implement high quality monitoring protocols to ensure implementation of the ECM benefit with fidelity to the program design.

  • City & County of San Francisco: Mental Health Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Residents of Skilled Nursing Facilities

    Carley led an analysis of the mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on residents of skilled nursing facilities in San Francisco, on behalf of the Human Services Agency Planning Unit. She conducted stakeholder outreach, including facilitation of interviews and focus groups with residents, staff, and other stakeholders. She also compiled extensive research to inform her analysis. Ultimately, Carley authored a comprehensive memorandum presenting findings and policy recommendations.

  • State of North Carolina: Behavioral Health Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Carley had the opportunity to complete a behavioral health fellowship with the state of North Carolina’s Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Use Services. This fellowship culminated in the opportunity to present months of cutting-edge research on the behavioral health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to the Department Secretary.